Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Alternative Treatments for Disease, even Cancer

As a Physician, I have always been very interested in Alternative Treatments for patients with cancers and chronic diseases.

To explain why I am recommending a therapy to you, I must explain some of my basic beliefs that supports my recommendation. They are as follows:

1. A high percentage of medical doctor visits are unnecessary, as high as 95 Per Cent

2. A high percentage of prescribed drugs are also unnecessary and in fact dangerous or harmful to the patient they are suppose to heal.

3. Most of the cancers and chronic diseases all stem from a single! How and what we eat! Many years from now, after many people have died unnecessary, the public will finally find out that the food industry has done more to kill Americans than the tobacco companies ever had time to do.....and like the tobacco companies, they know what they are doing and the damage they are doing to us.

4. Now logically, if bad food and absence of good foods cause the cancers and chronic disease processes, then it makes perfect sense that changing the diet and in the right concentrations will reverse the damage. Of course, this is with the understanding that treatment is begun before the damage is irreversible.

5. Heavenly Father has put a food or combination of foods somewhere on this planet that will heal every cancer and degenerative disorder that we encounter in this life of ours. Our job is to find them and concentrate them in sufficient quantity and quality.

6. We do not get sick because we have a shortage of Tylenol in our blood supply.

With these points in mind, we will continue with the story....

In the 1930, Dr Max Gerson, left Germany and came to the United States. Here he continued his research and treatment of cancer cases that other medical doctors were sending home to prepare for death. He was most successful and many of these patients are still alive today.

Dr. Gerson, after many years of research, concentrated foods based on the type of cancer or degenerative disorders of the patient.

The famous Dr. Albert Schweitzer, MD once came to American bringing his sick wife and daughter with cancer and himself with Diabetes. Shorty, Dr. Gerson had cured all three patients with three different diseases even cancer. Mr. Schweitzer announced to the media, "I see in Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history"

This treatment is often put down by agents of the drug companies. Why? The reason is very simple to can not patent a carrot or cabbage and charge a thousand dollars per is sadly all about money.

There is more people living off disease care, like cancer and other degenerative disorders, than dying from it.....think about this for a second and you will know it is true...sad, but true.

My advice to you if you or someone you love is Dr. Gerson's books or those by his family about the therapy.

One thing that you will quickly notice is that the therapy is incredibly inexpensive when compared to the traditional medical pathway.

Let me end with this statement, a well thought out statement from a physician, if I ever had cancer I would do this therapy.

You can read his book by clicking to the link below, talk with his patients or read their stories......then make up your own mind....Nature's way or the chemical way.

Dr Max Gerson

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